IO3 News Newsletter Results TPM

Newsletter #04

View our final newsletter reporting about the project meeting in Bulgaria, the Training Workshop in Vienna and our final result: The Guidebook for Trainers.Continue readingNewsletter #04

IO2 IO3 News TPM

Final TPM in Vienna, February 2023

Project partners from DIGISETS met in Vienna on February 16-17, 2023 in order to facilitate the fifth and final TPM meeting in the course of the DIGISETS project.Continue readingFinal TPM in Vienna, February 2023

IO3 News Results

Practical Testing of Project Tools

Participants of ipcenters VET and guidance courses have already tested the evaluation tool, as part of their learning activities.Continue readingPractical Testing of Project Tools

IO1 IO2 IO3 News Results TPM

Trainer Workshop in Vienna

In January 2023 ipcenter hosted the DIGISETS training workshop. Trainers/counsellors from Austria, Greece, and Bulgaria participated and reviewed the project results (competence framework, evaluation tool, handbook). It was a great opportunity to gather practical feedback, suggestions for improvements, and potential further use cases for the DIGISETS evaluation tool.Continue readingTrainer Workshop in Vienna

IO2 IO3 News Results TPM

TPM in Sofia, Nov 2022 – Finalising outputs, preparing practical testing

The DIGISETS project successfully held the 4th TPM in Sofia, Bulgaria on Nov 7-8, 2022. Organised by the local partner ECG, the 2-day event was mainly focusing on coordinating final work on the evaluation tool and the trainer handbook (IO2 and IO3).Continue readingTPM in Sofia, Nov 2022 – Finalising outputs, preparing practical testing

IO1 IO2 IO3 News TPM

Transnational Partner Meeting in Athens

During the third face-to-face TPM in Athens the consortium discussed and fine-tuned the interconnection between competence framework (IO1), online evaluation tool (IO2), and trainer handbook (IO3).Continue readingTransnational Partner Meeting in Athens