IO1 IO2 IO3 News TPM

Transnational Partner Meeting in Athens

During the third face-to-face TPM in Athens the consortium discussed and fine-tuned the interconnection between competence framework (IO1), online evaluation tool (IO2), and trainer handbook (IO3).

Project partners from all four partner countries met in Athens on May 25-26 for our third face-to-face partner meeting. Besides general discussion on the project progress, partners took the opportunity for intensive discussions and fine-tuning of the project deliverables, such as the competence framework (IO1), which is currently used for providing content for the online evaluation tool (IO2). The software tool was presented in-depth and will be further developed until summer. Another main agenda point was the summary and joint review of preparation and concept work for IO3. This trainer handbook will guide VET professionals on how to use frameworks and evaluation tools when working with low-qualified persons working in the tourism or retail sector.