Dissemination News

ipcenter joins Erasmus Dissemination Event on Integration and Vocational Training

Digisets participates at an online event on April 29, 2021, to exchange expertise on European projects in the fields of Integration and Vocational Training.

The event is organized as a cooperation of, ÖJAB and Die Berater.
The event is organised as cooperation of, ÖJAB and Die Berater.

On April 29, 2021 ipcenter will join an online dissemination event for ongoing Erasmus projects to present them to a broader expert audience.

Main topics of the event (held in cooperation with ÖJAB and Die Berater) are integration measures and vocational training.

The first session will deal with social and cultural integration projects, as well as innovative ways to promote voluntary work, intergenerational cooperation and healthcare/homecare work as integration promoters.

  • Promoting active citizenship, raising political awareness and deepening
    social integration of young people (Europe3E)
  • Promotion of intergenerational cooperation and volunteering between
    Austria and Slovakia (Co-AGE Volunteers)
  • Integration by combining cooking, communication and culture (LLCC)
  • De-radicalization of (migrant) young people (COMMIT)
  • Community-based approaches to the integration of migrants (CATLID, DREAMM)
  • Intercultural aspects in care (I-Care)

Session two focuses on vocational training projects, with topics ranging from youthwork for NEETs, low-qualified persons, digital work-related skills and competences, and biological farming training.

  • Promotion of environmentally friendly outdoor sports for young people (ECOCOM)
  • Transnational knowledge exchange between trainers of the low skilled
    Adults (EUpTrain)
  • Effects of youth work on the formation of NEETs (COMPASS)
  • Development of a methodological toolkit for the collection and improvement of digital
    Competencies in trade and tourism for trainers / consultants (DIGISETS)
  • Development and implementation of training courses for organic agriculture (TOPPLANT)

Registration for the event can be done via the following link:
EU Projekte zur Integration- und Berufsbildungs Themen 2021 (

Event on EPALE: