Welcome to the digisets survey…
…and thank you for participating. In the following section, we have short explanatory texts in the languages of the project partner countries – a more detailed description you find below in English. While we focus on the four countries Austria, Bulgaria, Greece & Spain, we are naturally delighted to get answers from all over the world. Just choose which language fits your needs best. In the following survey, you then will be asked in which country you work.

Diese Umfrage ist Teil des Erasmus Plus Projektes DIGISETS, und soll Informationen über vorhandenen und fehlende digitale Fertigkeiten in Tourismus und Handel in den Ländern Österreich, Bulgarien, Griechenland und Spanien sammeln.
Weitere Informationen zur Umfrage sowie den Link zur entsprechenden Länderversion der Umfrage finden Sie nachstehend.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!
Das DIGISETS-Projektteam

Това проучване е част от проекта DIGISETS по програма ЕРАЗЪМ+ на ЕК и цели да събере информация за съществуващи и необходими дигитални умения в работната среда в секторите на туризма и търговията на дребно в Австрия, България, Гърция и Испания.
Допълнителна информация и връзка към анкетата за конкретната страна можете да намерите по-долу.
Благодарим Ви за подкрепата!
Екип на проекта DIGISETS

Αυτή η έρευνα υλοποιείται στο πλαίσιο του έργου DIGISETS Erasmus+ και στοχεύει στη συλλογή πληροφοριών σχετικά με τις υπάρχουσες και τις ελλείπουσες ψηφιακές δεξιότητες στους τομείς του τουρισμού και του εμπορίου στην Αυστρία, τη Βουλγαρία, την Ελλάδα και την Ισπανία.
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με την έρευνα και τον σύνδεσμο προς την αντίστοιχη χώρα δημοσίευσης της έρευνας μπορείτε να βρείτε παρακάτω.
Ευχαριστούμε για την υποστήριξη!
Η ομάδα έργου DIGISETS

Esta encuesta forma parte del proyecto Erasmus Plus DIGISETS y quiere recopilar información sobre las habilidades digitales existentes y necesarias en los entornos laborales del sector turístico y minorista en Austria, Bulgaria, Grecia y España.
Puede encontrar más información y el enlace a la encuesta de su país a continuación.
¡Gracias por su apoyo!
El equipo del proyecto DIGISETS
General Information
This survey is done in the framework of the Erasmus Plus project DIGISETS (Nr. 2020-1-AT01-KA202-078055).
The project wants to collect practical knowledge on digital skills that are relevant for everyday work in the retail and tourism sectors, and find out skill gaps that educational policies and training institutes can work on.
The background of the project (even before COVID-19) was the increasing digitalisation of occupations e.g. in retail or tourism – workers in areas like service, warehousing or facility management also need digital skills in order to carry out and document their work. Until now, existing training programmes have not put enough emphasis on these issues, and therefore are not future-proof and include risks for the future labour market integration of the employees.
Based on that, training providers and software developers from 4 countries (AT, ES, EL, BG) have come together in the DIGISETS project to analyse current trends and needs in the mentioned economic sectors, carry out an online survey with stakeholders (enterprises, trainers, employees, jobseekers), and develop an interactive self-evaluation tool
The project wants to measure labour market relevant digital skills of employees/jobseekers in retail and tourism, and give suggestions for improvements based on actual needs – mainly in practical work contexts like customer services, marketing, warehousing and logistics, service, facility management etc.
Based on that, we want to develop an updated “competence framework” which is modelled on relevant European (DigComp) and Austrian (DigComp AT 2.2) framework concepts and focuses on mid-level qualifications (EQF3/4).
The framework will then be used to develop an online tool, that will be tested in pilot courses in all 4 participating countries. Beside that, the project results will be used in the currently ongoing training programmes of the participating institutions (corporate trainings or public TVET courses).
Goals of the survey
The survey wants to help in developing a self-evaluation tool for work-relevant digital skills in retail and tourism, based on DigComp AT 2.2. It wants to measure existing, needed and still lacking digital skills for management/trainers and service workers/trainees (ESCO) as well as occupational qualifications on secondary or post-secondary level (EQR3-4). The target group are employers representatives and employees in the mentioned sectors. The survey questions are based on the national desk research carried out by the project partners.
The survey is structured in 4 different chapters – chapter 1 is about basic demographic data. Chapter 2 deals with naming the “occupations” and helping the respondents orient themselves for assessing their digital skills. Chapter 3 is focused on collecting information on existing, available and needed digital skills (in a number of work-relevant clusters). Finally, chapter 4 is formulated as open questions, where additional digital skills can be listed.
Legal information
By completing this survey, you agree that the results will be used anonymously for the purposes of the DIGISETS project. Also, you agree to the data protection policy implemented by the project coordinator ipcenter.at, and that the survey will be carried out using Google Forms.
During the survey, you will be asked to provide your view from the perspective of your work experience or from the enterprise represented by you. Your replies will be collected and treated in a confidential and anonymous manner. Your data will be stored until the end of the project (end of 2022), and only fully completed online forms will be included into the project survey.
Only staff from the project team will have access to the survey data. Results will be collected in a separate database, so that individual replies cannot be identified. Data will be stored in accordance to ipcenter.at data protection policy (see below). The project coordinator is responsible for preventing unauthorized access to the data.
Participation in the survey is strictly voluntary, the potential respondents can decline their participation anytime, and contact the consortium to have their data deleted if they wish.
Purpose of the survey
Beside the use in the DIGISETS project, the survey is also intended as a support for participating institutions and employees/trainees in the mentioned sectors.
Participating institutions and individuals can assess their digital skills and gain a perspective on their profiles and development potential. The results of the tool can be used to develop training programmes with the project partners or other training providers.
Thank you for your cooperation and your support!